Why use Simon Burn Solicitors?

There are many solicitors who may be willing to assist you in connection with your Directors Disqualification proceedings. However, there are 7 compelling reasons why you should instruct Simon Burn Solicitors;

  1. We do not charge for our initial assessment and will only accept an instruction if we believe that we can add value to the situation and advise you with some real assistance.
  2. We are experts in defending company directors from Directors Disqualification proceedings and have a superior track record in this area of law.
  3. As a firm with deep expertise in this area we can assess your case quickly and efficiently.
  4. We have a 100% track record of success on applications for permission to act.
  5. We have a network of highly skilled barristers and forensic accountants that we can reach out to where additional expertise is needed to maximise your chances of success. Often it is possible for us to obtain a view from these experts without any initial cost to you.
  6. We are based in Cheltenham and Birmingham, central United Kingdom and therefore easily accessible to clients all over the United Kingdom.
  7. We are happy to travel to you at no cost in order to discuss your case.